About Us

Transforming the lives of individuals with differing abilities.

We are a team of fun-loving, relationship-building, experienced professionals who provide events and exploring opportunities near and far with customized support for our clients. As an event and exploring company, we assist clients by providing opportunities to connect in their community through specially designed events, exploration through individualized travel experiences, and more. We help our clients connect with one of our team members who can work with them to find what opportunities may be the best fit for them.

Everyone has dreams, we help make those dreams become a reality!

Meet the Team

  • Jodi Beuch | Founder & President

    Jodi Beuch started out in the Human Service in 1995 and has a degree in Human Services. She has been a Personal Care Attendant, Direct Support Professional, Job Coach and a Program Manager. Jodi worked for the same employer for 26 years, supporting 12 individuals with a variety of unique abilities.

    Jodi started traveling with the individuals she worked with in 1998 and fell in love with the experience and started volunteering with a travel company at that time. She did several trips and then moved on to another travel company and stayed there until the pandemic shut the world down in 2020.

    Jodi has a personal goal is to visit all 50 states and currently has 13 left to explore. When she’s not working or traveling, she serves as Head of Delegation for her local Special Olympics team coaching, overseeing/coordinating/planning programming and sports opportunities.

  • Elizabeth Hvidsten | Co-Founder & Chief Financial Officer

    Liz Hvidsten started out in the Human Services field in 2012 as a Program Counselor. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice. Liz worked for 11 years with the same company as a Direct Support Professional, Designated Coordinator, Program Manager and an Assistant Program Director.

    Liz started traveling in 2014 when Jodi asked her to be a staff on a custom trip to San Francisco. Liz did several custom trips before volunteering with another company.

    Liz is also a licensed travel agent which comes in handy for trip planning! She has a personal goal to visit all 7 continents, she still has 5 left to explore, but with determination she will get there! In her spare time, Liz also serves as a Special Olympics coach for multiple sports with her local Special Olympics team.

  • Aimee Libby | Chief Marketing Officer

    Aimee’s involvement with the disability community began in the late 90s in college when her track team hosted a Special Olympics event and she fell in love with the athletes. Fast forward a few years and she married into a family which included a couple amazing nieces with intellectual disabilities. Then, in 2004, Aimee and her husband Chad welcomed their first child, a daughter – Peyton, who suffered a birth injury resulting in an intellectual disability.

    Over the years, Aimee and Chad have been huge advocates for inclusion, not only for Peyton, but for all individuals with a disability – both in school and community settings. Their family has been heavily involved with Special Olympics Minnesota, with Aimee serving as Head of Delegation for the local Special Olympics team they started back in 2012, and also as a coach and unified partner for a variety of sports. Some of their family’s most memorable experiences with Special Olympics have been taking teams to the 2018 USA Games in Seattle, WA in 2018 (Chad & Aimee), and the 2022 USA Games in Orlando, FL (Aimee, Peyton, Jodi & Liz). Aimee and her family have also been actively involved with Young Life Capernaum since 2018, with Aimee, Chad and their son Carson assisting as 1:1 staff for campers with varying abilities so they are able to experience a week of camp at Castaway Club in Detroit Lakes, MN. Anything Aimee’s involved with usually means it’s a family affair, which has made the connections and friendships made throughout the years as part of the disability community that much sweeter.

    Aimee holds a Bachelor’s of Fine Arts Degree with an emphasis in Graphic Design which comes in handy as the Chief Marketing Officer. She loves traveling, sports, the great outdoors, music, fishing, building relationships, and using her gifts to connect with and bring others together for inclusive, meaningful experiences!

Our team works hard to make Empowered Events & Exploring, Inc. trips and events uplifting, enjoyable and memorable. We hope you’ll join us!